Did you know that practicing an attitude of gratitude can be life changing?
You know why people think it won’t work?
Because it seems too easy!
A consistent practice of writing down 10 things twice a day of what you are grateful for can literally change your life.
Once you start focusing on what is good and right in your life, more of the good starts showing up as you are more aware of it all.
It’s your RAS at work.
The RAS is your Reticular Activating System, your body’s autopilot, whose job is to keep you safe by regulating behavioural arousal, consciousness and motivation.
I recommend exploring more about your Reticular Activating System, as it might be enlightening to see how it has been working in your life forever!
Another good thing to have gratitude for is all the things you would like to see show up in your world.
So grab a journal, schedule time in your calendar, and watch what changes in your life.
I recommend keeping a little WIN book to keep track of all the good things that start showing up in your life, which will help grow your faith in your gratitude when you have actual proof of what has changed.
NOTE: I like to do my gratitude in the morning after my meditation, when I have visualized my 4D world before it shows up in my 3D world.