Planning a long trip, or even a short excursion, can seem a little daunting, but here are 6 tips to make it a whole lot easier.
- Start with a scratch notebook and label each page with the day of the week and the date. This is my favorite tip because this is a great way to add/delete and adjust as needed as you go through the planning process. It is also an easy way to keep track of your reservations, and sites you want to see each day along the way.
- Have a physical map that you can reference as you are planning your route. This way you can see what attractions, landmarks, monuments or fun things are along the way that you may want to incorporate into each day on the road.
- Use Google to discover the top 5 things to do in the area or areas that you are planning to visit. For example, on my trip in June, prior to boarding the ship to Alaska, we are spending 4 days in Seattle. Google gave me some popular attractions to see and do while we are there.
- If you are traveling for an extended period, give yourself a block of downtime where you spend 4 or 5 days in the same place to catch your breath and rest. Traveling can be a bit stressful, especially when traveling alone, as there is no one to share the driving with. Choose your resting place in a location with a lot to see and do in one area, so there isn’t a lot of driving and you have more time to rest and relax.
- When you have your final itinerary figured out, transfer all the information into a travel book. This book will contain all your accommodation details and addresses, confirmation numbers, camping details and locations. This way you can access any info you need quickly and easily without having to have access to the internet. Remember some of the National Parks don’t have cell service, so this way you have all your info written down, especially campground site numbers. It is also a good idea to add attractions or highlights that you want to see that day so you don’t forget anything.
- Have a travel journal. At the end of the day, it’s a great way to relax by writing down your thoughts and feelings of your day of adventure. It’s a great keepsake and a fun way to remember your journeys.
Traveling is always an adventure, and sometimes you will need to adjust on the fly. Take it all in stride, as you are on a journey and making memories of a lifetime! Smile and have fun!